February 23, 2008

Russian Coat: The Big Error

For the Russian Coat, I am almost done with one of the underarm diamonds in Peruvia. It's gone very easily, I am quite used to the pattern and can dash each section off pretty quickly. With only two repeats of the pattern, also, the diamonds are a snap.

I did discover a huge error which I cannot describe too well here. Basically, when I started each side of the bodice, I did a triangle in Peruvia, than began the first hexagon with Jasper. When that hexagon is finished, I started the next hexagon by picking up along the edge of the first one. WELL, on one side of the bodice, I discovered that I picked up stitches for the second hexagon on the wrong side of the hexagon. This makes it impossible for me to pick up the stitches for the Peruvia diamond. D'oh!

However, I have determined I can fix this problem by cutting off and unraveling the very first Peruvia diamond. Then I'll pick up stitches on the correct edge of the first hexagon in order to rebalance the entire piece. This should work but hurts me, what a terrible error I made so early on and did not notice until now. It really kills momentum. However, I am very relieved that the fix is entirely doable and I don't have to frog the entire piece. Ouch.

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